Come to Camp.

My feet are cracked and sore, my heart heavy and spent. 

My feet are blistered and covered with ant bites, my heart anxious and fearful.

I sit down in the grass next to a fellow staffer and watch the sky turn a beautiful color. Once again the master artist is at work painting a masterpiece as the sun sets. A few minutes later the silence is broken with the words “it’s as if God is telling us we did good, we finished term 3 well.” 

I had given it my all in the past month, that’s why my heart was heavy and spent. I was not wanting to leave camp the following day hence why my heart was anxious and fearful as well. 

I had poured out my heart into my camp family, into campers, and into camp. It is a beautiful thing to love well and to invest your heart and soul into a ministry that loves people well. It makes it easy to ignore the aches and pains one gets while working at camp. Well also apparently making it easier to forget where you stand and end up standing in a angry ant pile. I wouldn’t trade my summers for anything though, ant bites and all. 

 My last week at camp I had one particular little girl I loved on all week. I have known this little girl for 4 years now and I want her to walk away from camp feeling loved not just by me but by her Heavenly Father as well. It is exhausting to constantly pour into someone and not knowing if you are really getting through.  My heart is heavy and aches for her as she doesn’t always feel loved by those around her. She lashes out to get the attention she craves. At the end of the week she came to me and hugged me and I felt a peace that she knows she is loved here and that God loves her even more. I pray she will continue to grow in that truth throughout the year.

I loved being surrounded by community. But not just any community, a group of broken people who get how hard it is, that get the struggles, the pain, the fear, and the doubts that come with our walk. It isn’t easy, but it is beautiful. Have you ever worshiped in a room of broken people who know their weaknesses and share them with those around them? Have you ever seen a perfectly erected wall come crumbling down? Or a mask be taken off? Have you ever just fell to your knees before God and acknowledged that you can’t do this without Him?  It is a beautiful thing to experience and witness. To watch God beautifully restore the broken. To watch a group of young adults come together and be stewards of broken souls. To pour out their hearts and love well. To lift each other up before God and to pray intentionally and with confidence. Have you ever stood in a room full of truth speakers, fight-alongsiders, stewards of broken souls, mountain movers, and kingdom builders?  I have and it is something to be experienced and I love that I get to work alongside them even if only for a brief time. They truly are a gift from above and make leaving camp that much harder. 

When I look on the faces of my fellow staffers and watch them interacting with each other, campers, sotks, and camper’s families  I imagine God looking down, a smile spreading across His face and saying “Well done my good and faithful servants.” Because they are being His hands and feet, and they are doing it well. 

I was fearful of what I was going to be missing this summer, because I felt I wasn’t supposed to be leaving just yet. I was fearful of not having community like I have at camp. In my heart I feel if I had stayed it wouldn’t have been wrong but coming home was right as well. Through different circumstances and things that have come up I am seeing that coming home was the better choice at this time, but in my heart I still long to be at camp for the rest of the summer. 

The Lord is faithful and present through everything. He has done great and mighty things in the 3 terms I was able to serve at Camp Blessing Texas this summer and He will continue to show up and do great things. I am sad that my time was short this summer and it feels like I was only able to get a small glimpse of what God is going to do this summer. But I will continue to lift up my fellow sisters and brothers and be a fight-alongsider, lifting them up in prayer and encouraging them that they are doing a great job and that they are speakers of truth, stewards of broken souls, movers of mountains, and Kingdom builders.

So all in all, come to camp. Meet amazing people, love on campers,get a great chaco tan, maybe some blisters, an occasional ant bite(s) and have your life changed forever. You won’t regret it. 

Beautifully Broken

Trying to choose words to describe my summer was a lot harder than I thought it would be. So much has happened since I got on a plane back in May. I am still processing it as I sit here typing this, I have to be honest I feel like I should be doing something instead of just sitting here. After 2 months of always being on the move, leading activities, doing ropes, helping with campers, leading a cabin of sib girls, this is so quiet and still.

This summer was unlike any other I have ever experienced, as our staff training began and we got to know each other it was evident that we all had a difficult year in one way or another. We had all come broken, some of us were just beginning to crack at the edges, some of us had deep cracks and crevices threatening to shatter at any moment, and others were trying to pick up the pieces from shattering. Even though we were broken, there was something so beautiful about our struggles. We were coming humbled, inadequate, in need of help. God knew what He was doing when He chose the people to be on staff this summer, He used our brokenness, our struggles, our inadequacies, our fears and doubts to help restore so many people this summer. He used us when we were empty, fearful, anxious, and exhausted, He turned our brokenness into something beautiful.

At the beginning of the summer I prayed that God would overwhelm me with His love and goodness. It took a few weeks for me to see how He was overwhelming me and it wasn’t always in a big way, sometimes it was in the smile or laugh of a camper. Other times it was watching my fellow staff members love well, a much needed hug, word of encouragement, a little extra patience, or just listening and not speaking a word. It was a beautiful thing to watch how God uses us when we are broken, exhausted, and fearful, to do His work. To watch a staff be the body of Christ is a true blessing and something I hope you all get to see. It is such a humbling experience to serve alongside such selfless, humble, loving, and God seeking people.

God can overwhelm us in many ways, mine tended to be in the simple things and I feel He was trying to teach me about the small graces and gifts He gives us everyday.

So the best way to sum up my summer in words would be…

Beautifully Broken,
Beautifully Overwhelmed,
Beautifully Restored, and
Beautifully Used to do His work…
Won’t He Do It!!

Eske Li pa Kapab fe ~ Won’t He Do It


Eske Li pa Kapab fe is Haitian for Won’t He Do It. That was the theme for the Haiti Adventure team.

As I am writing this post I am looking at album after album of photos uploaded to Facebook from my friends’ trip to Haiti. The beautiful smiling faces of children being loved and held.

A 2 week trip to Haiti that I was unfortunately not able to go on. Everyday things like a new job, money, timing, just did not line up for me to go. I mean I could have gone had I wanted to, but I also felt the Lord telling me not this trip, not yet.

Mind you I had made the decision to not to go back in late August. As the date approached and plans were being finalized. Designing a shirt for the team ( I wanted to be involved as much as possible and help in any way possible ) the team getting ready to leave, and then them leaving. I was growing very disappointed and sad.

Why, wasn’t this the year again, why wasn’t it my time to go, why did I have to sit out yet another CBTX mission trip and see all my friends go and be the hands and feet of Christ. Hear all the amazing God moments they experienced and love on precious children and people.

I long for those experiences, missions has always been close to my heart. I am ready to go, I feel like the kid in the back of the room with their hand raised begging to be picked, wondering if God sees my hand, my eagerness, and desire to go. LORD, PLEASE SEND ME!! I am sure you have all heard Oceans by Hillsong, that is like the anthem for my love of missions. I especially love the chorus…

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

Oh, Jesus, you’re my God!

I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine

I want to be led where my trust is without borders, wherever He will call me, deeper than my feet could ever wander. I want to be that person, I want to go to a foreign country and do mission work.

Well, I could say I wallowed in my misery and disappointment. But, I did not do that because that is not what is called of me. I don’t have to go to the ends of the earth or anywhere for that matter to be the hands and feet of Christ. I started to pray that God would allow me to bless someone this Christmas. Someone I could be the hands and feet of Christ to, to pour out His love on them.

A few days later God provided that very person. I was able to bless them immensely by just loving on them and sharing my blessings God has given to me by giving her a gift for Christmas. She ended up not getting a gift from her secret Santa at work. When my sister told me this I knew immediately that this was the person I had been praying for to bless this Christmas. So I went out to find something for her Christmas Blessing, God is amazing I was able to stuff a bag with so many awesome things that she absolutely loved. I am so thankful for a God who answers prayers and allows me to be His Hands and feet and bless someone.

So yes this wasn’t my year or my trip to go again, but I was still able to be His hands and feet. GOD is good and Won’t He Do it.

I also cannot wait to hear from my friends and all the amazing stories and God moments they have to share from their trip. To be able to put a story and a name to all the wonderful pictures I have seen flooding Facebook.

So are you being His hands and feet here and now, or are you like me and disappointed that this wasn’t your year or trip?

Everyday is the year and trip, a simple trip to the store can be a opportunity to bless someone.

H E L L O 2015


Every year we go through the motions to make resolutions that will make us a better person in the coming year. Most times I end up falling off the resolution bandwagon within a few weeks or if I am really determined a few months. Then I begin to beat myself up about failing to follow through on my goals and/or resolutions.

Well I have decided to end this vicious cycle and switch things up by choosing to do the My One Word Challenge . The idea of the one word challenge is to get rid of your list and to choose just one word to focus on for a whole year. “One word that sums up who you want to be and how you want to live.”

So many words come to mind that would be perfect for my one word.

Creativity, because many times I am not confident in myself and the gift God has given me. To trust my instincts and see what happens.

Confidence, because I lack it. A lot of people in my life if asked to describe me would probably choose confident. I am probably one of the most insecure people you will ever meet. For lots of reasons I lack confidence, I have adopted a fake it till you make it mentality, but I don’t have to fake it. I can have confidence in who I am, because God made me the way I am for a reason.

Faith, because I feel I have lost it so many times, especially this past year.

Belief, because I tend to lose it when the situation looks hopeless. It is something I want more of in God and in myself.

Strength, because I cannot make this journey on my own strength and I need it more than ever.

Present, because too many times I have forgotten to live in the moment and was always worried about the past and future I forgot to enjoy the moment I was in.

The word that keeps coming to mind that best describes my goal for this coming year would have to be, wholehearted.


I want to put my whole heart into all I do this coming year. I want to wholeheartedly be creative, to have confidence, to have faith, to believe, to be strong, to be present. I want to wholeheartedly live life.

I have found myself half heartedly doing something so many times, that I have stopped keeping track. Not in the way that I don’t want to be there doing what I am doing and I do a half hearted job. I am talking about the way I guard my heart, how I only allow my heart to be a little vulnerable. It is a survivor mechanism I have engaged for many years and it has served me well or so I thought. I know now that it has hindered me. I haven’t allowed myself to open up fully, to be really vulnerable, to take risks, and just see what happens.

To many times we are so ready to discard our failures, faults, mistakes, and our pasts. We want to get rid of the reminders of everything we failed to do right. But in doing so, many times we forget the lessons they were meant to teach us. They happened for a reason, to shape us into the person we are meant to be.

I am guilty of trying to discard my past in the attempt of detaching myself from the bad choices I made, the failed attempts at following through on goals and resolutions. As if detaching myself from my past will some how make starting over easier. The problem, our pasts are deeply rooted inside us, they are a part of us. You can’t just rip them from our minds or souls. They make us who we are.

It’s like a new year means a new you, a better you. A new chance at reinventing who you are. A chance to right the faults, wrongs, and failures from the past year.

Yet, how can I become a better me, if I cast aside my past? How can I learn from something I am trying to forget? How am I going to be a different person if I try to get rid of the old me that I want to change from?

That person has drastically changed from the 5 year old girl who accepted Jesus and had a child like faith. I am not the same person I was when I was 8, 12, 16, or even 20.

I have changed so much over the years. Yet I am the same girl, I am the same girl who went through all those things over the years. I have been shaped by my choices and continue to be shaped by them. The good and the bad. I need to learn from my mistakes, to become a better me.

Over the years I have learned what is right and wrong, I have learned what to keep in my life and what needs to go. I have learned what I need to hold on to and what I need to let go of. I have learned to embrace my past, all of it. The good moments and the bad. I thank God for them, and let them be apart of my story.

I want to wholeheartedly embrace who I am and the life I am meant to live so God can use me and my story to help others.

What is your story you are trying to tell the world?

What is your one word?

What word describes the kind of year you want to have this year?

Finding my voice…


Over the years, I have had many people encouraging me to write and to use that gift more often.

The problem, me.

Plain and simple I sabotage any idea of writing my story or sharing my writings. My writings are very much apart of me and a lot comes from my struggles, I don’t necessarily want to be that open and vulnerable about those. Yet, that is my train of thought, obviously not God’s. He has been laying it on my heart more and more to start writing, to start sharing, and start being vulnerable.

Because we are all human, we all make mistakes, we all have struggles, and we all have a past. The story doesn’t end there though, I know that from personal experience. Jesus died to cover my shame and to pay for my past, present, and future sins. I don’t need to hide my past or struggles, what good does it do? If none of us shared our life experiences, no one would know that they are not alone, that there are others like them who are having the same struggles.

We need to be vulnerable, we need to share our stories so others can learn from our life experiences and hopefully find hope and encouragement to keep fighting.

A part of me still thinks this is a completely crazy idea, but the time has come to let my voice and story be heard. To share about my trials, struggles, and joys in life.

I am a lover of words, hence the love for writing. Words are such beautiful and powerful things. They can build someone up, or they can break them down. Words can paint a beautiful picture and transport you to a different world.

I love the call of a empty journal, the pages begging to be written on, to have words penned onto them, breathing life into them where there was nothing before. A story formed, a beautiful creation crafted from words that came from the soul of a person.


We are like an empty journal, begging to be written in, to have God breathe His life into us, to create meaning, to make us a beautiful creation with a story all our own.

Our lives are our story, what words are you choosing to have written down in your story?


When someone looks at me I want them to see the real story, the true story, the one that is filled with love, trials, struggles, the good times and the bad. I want them to see the simple, unique, impacting, life changing words that make me who I am. I want to have words of meaning describe me. I want people to see a person full of love, grace, and joy because of the One who saved me and now fills me. But, I also want them to see my past, the trials, and the struggles that have also shaped me into the person I have become. Because, they are a part of me and a part of my story.

The one thing I hope for by beginning this blog is that I can make a difference. Even if that difference is 1 person realizing that they are not alone, I would be completely ecstatic that God would use my story to help someone else. I want to shine a light in this dark world, to bring hope and love to broken people in a broken world.

A new adventure begins, I hope you will join me as I write about this journey called life.


Beauty From Ashes…


Have you ever walked through a area that had a fire go through it? Seen the blackened and charred remains of what use to be a thriving landscape, wiped out completely?
I hiked through the Granite Basin Wilderness a couple weeks ago that had a fire go through it a little over a year ago now. Some of you who are not from Arizona have probably heard of Granite Mountain, because last summer we lost our hotshot crew of 19 heroes to the Yarnell Fire. The area I hiked through was the last fire they battled and returned home from, before they went and fought the Yarnell Fire. The Doce Fire, did a lot of damage and threatened a lot of homes.Walking through this valley of scorched and and burned landscape I had this overwhelming sense of sadness, and loneliness. At first glance the landscape was cast in shadows, burnt and dead trees stood at attention all around me, and the silence around me was deafening. I stopped and looked all around me at the destruction that surrounded me; even a year later the impact of what was lost weighed down on me.

Then something caught my eye, flowers growing from the ashes, flowers of all colors and shapes were scattered all over the burned area and upon listening closer you could hear bees buzzing from flower to flower, then the occasional shrill call of a bird. The land was coming back to life, beauty was rising from the ashes all around me. The rain had begun to wash the stain of death and destruction from the land and new life was beginning to grow. As I continued to walk through this valley I was reminded of my own seasons I have had in my walk. Some very much like this valley, burned and destroyed, a dark place were seemingly nothing was alive, but when I received rain from heaven and was washed clean, I began to grow. I rose from the ashes and what use to be dead and ugly, was turned into something alive and beautiful.

We all have valleys we walk through, some darker than others, but we are never alone. Sometimes we are to focused on the ashes, destruction, and the silence to see that the rain is coming or has come and that new growth is happening. We need to just stop, we need to listen and look closer. Sometimes the beauty is small like a flower growing from the ashes and if you are not looking you can miss it. God is always there for us, He will never give you more than you can handle. He listens when you call out for help, He knows how hard it is, but are you listening for Him? Are you like me and too focused on the destruction and silence that was surrounding me, that I almost missed the birds calling to each other. When you can’t hear God try stopping, stop everything you are doing and just listen. He is always answering, but too many times I am too loud or too focused on something else. I will admit, I have had times in my life I was loud on purpose, I made excuses for why I couldn’t pray or read my bible. The real reason for all the excuses was I was afraid, I was afraid what His answer may be. What if He asked me to give something up or that path isn’t the path I am supposed to take, etc…but I honestly had no reason to be afraid. My Heavenly Father, the one who sent His Son to die for me, knows my future, knows what is best for me, also knows the path I must take to rise from these ashes.

Psalm 23:4 (KJV) //Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thous art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
When  I was so focused on the past and what had happened I almost missed what was happening, and what will happen. We can not stay focused on our pasts; for if we do, we will miss what is happening right in front of us and what will happen in the future.

“Look beyond circumstances, long nights, broken trophies, mental arguments, the swirl of gossip, the false self-talk that you’ve rehearsed over and over. Trust that God is working something in you now, something you can’t imagine, a miracle beyond proportion. Leave yesterday where it belongs. Don’t cave in to what has happened to you. God says you are more than that — because you are His. As hard as it sounds: you are loved, you are treasured, you are written on the heart and mind of your Creator. Rejoice and revel in what He has done, is doing, and will do.” –J.S. Park



We all struggle; we all have valleys that we walk through that have been destroyed, but the rain is or has come and beauty will rise from the ashes…You will rise from your ashes.
God loves you and He will lead you down the path to healing.

My Camp Blessing Texas Family

This summer I had the privilege of serving alongside a Amazing group of men and women who love God with all their hearts. They encourage and challenge me in my walk, they are the kind of people who will drop whatever they are doing and pray for you right then and there no questions asked, just because you are having a tough time. Of course you will always have that one friend who can read you like a book and knows there is more and eventually gets you to talk, but it is because they care and they don’t want you to struggle with it all alone.

These amazing people have blessed me so much by being intentional with their time and love and investing into me this summer, it is a huge blessing to call them friends and family.

I can not explain the impact these people have just by living their lives the way they do. CBTX is a unique place, but even more unique are the people God brings to camp to serve. He uses are quirks, pasts, inadequacies, and whatever else we may come up with for an excuse and He forms a amazing team that becomes family. 

I had so many adventures this summer because of these people. I can’t tell you how much fun it was to just
sit and blow bubbles or try to catch them with your tongue. Going for a ride through the thick undergrowth of Texas to go splash in a creek. Dancing in the pouring rain because you can and it feels so amazing, and jumping in the puddles after the rain is gone. To being soaked every time I went to take pictures at water games. Comparing colored tongues after eating popsicles, Nerf gun wars, catching snow cone ice in your mouth after someone launches it in the air…and so much more.

My sides ached from those moments when a camper would say or do something crazy and unexpected, and you couldn’t help but laugh.

Don’t get me wrong this summer wasn’t all sunshine and roses. In fact, it was one of my toughest, a lot has happened this summer, things I never thought would happen. I almost didn’t go to camp this summer because of things happening the way they did, but God knew I was meant to go to camp, to see old friends again and to meet my new ones. I was able to be surrounded by people who prayed, encouraged, challenged, gave advice, and sometimes just listened to what was on my mind. I am forever grateful to these people, who taught me so much, I have learned to embrace the season(s) I am in, that I pray to a amazing God, who is a God of Impossible things and can answer impossible prayers.

So my challenge to you is to surround yourself with people who will encourage, challenge, and pray for you. We all go through seasons, and it is a lot easier to embrace the season and place you are in when you have family behind you.

Be intentional with your relationships, invest in them. You never know the things you learned from that season you were in could be the very things your friend needs to hear and learn as well. God uses us and our trials for His Glory; don’t be ashamed, we are all human and we all struggle. Trust God when He moves you to open up and share your story, you never know how He is going to use you till you try.

Life Changing…

  Sorry I have not posted in awhile! I cannot believe Camp is over; I fly home in less than 2 days. I have learned so much at CBTX this summer and as I process it all I will post more after I get home. Here is a little bit, of what has been on my heart and mind the last 3 weeks

Camp is unique in how it is run, as staff we have several groups we get to pour into during the course of the week that our volunteers serve and our campers come. Sometimes, it is vice versa and they pour into us as well. Being open to what God wants us to learn and share is key, if we are open to what He wants to show and teach us it is a glorious thing. At the end of camp we have a “say so” where our SOTKs (Servants of The King) can talk about what they learned in the past week. Every week, our volunteers share how they have been changed, it may not have been easy, but it was a life changing week for them and they thank God that He allows a camp like CBTX to exist and offer the experience they do. I can say from experience that a week at CBTX will turn your world upside down and you will be changed, but in amazing ways.

   As a photographer, I don’t have a whole lot of one on one time with the SOTKs or campers, but I do get to watch my fellow staffers pour into them and it is a beautiful picture and I love when I can capture it, my goal is to take photos that are worth a thousand words. I am so thankful for my job as a photographer, because I have been blessed to capture many precious moments at camp that speak volumes to those who see them. I am so awed by all God does through this camp and am honored that I am able to be a part of such a life changing ministry.
     I am going to do some bragging on my CBTX Family so bare with me, I absolutely love these people and am so blessed to call them family. They are the most loving and caring people you will probably meet, they come here and work most of the summer just to be near our precious campers to have a week just loving on some of the most amazing kids and adults you will ever meet. Even when they were up most of the night because a camper didn’t sleep, they keep going and they give their all. I know it isn’t because of their strength that they keep going but God’s, it is just a beautiful picture to see that when we are on our 6th term and yet another night of no sleep they keep going relying on God to give them strength and they never complain. They continue to pour into their SOTKs and campers week after week, but like it is their first week not the 5th or 6th.
The impact God allows us to have here is incredible; there have been weeks it was difficult for the staff to love on some SOTKS, whether it was their attitude about being at camp, or them not being open to what God does at camp, the staff kept pouring into them. I am so awed by the love that flows out from my CBTX family, they truly do paint a beautiful picture of how to love unconditionally especially when there are times a camper can be over stimulated and begins to act out in frustration, or a SOTK is being a little difficult. They do not take it personal they realize that yes sometimes they do mean to hurt them, but the best response is to be like Jesus and to keep on loving them. They too were difficult at times, but people in their lives and God never stopped investing into them.

No one walks away from camp unchanged, you do choose whether you let it change you or you just ignore what happened and return to your life. Too many times we have a life changing experience and we get so on fire for God, then we return to our normal everyday routine of life and we don’t apply what we learned at all.
   Something I have really learned this summer is that I tend to regret the moments that I felt God wanted me to step out of my comfort zone and do something different. I never regret the moments that I listened; I may have been completely terrified but obediently I stepped out of my comfort zone and did something different. Had I not been obedient 8 summers ago I wouldn’t have ended up in Texas at a small camp working with amazing campers, I wouldn’t have the dream of working in special needs orphanages around the world. I have many of the same goals and dreams I did 8 summers ago, but they have grown and changed to what I feel God is calling me to do with my life. I have been so blessed by the ministry of CBTX, and I thank God He allowed me to go and come back every summer so far.
   Camp has allowed a dream and desire to blossom in my heart, of taking what I have learned at Camp to other countries that do not have the same outlook on people with special needs. I want to go and train people how to care for them and help the kids get the care they need. To build a community for these kids that loves and adores them to see their true worth and that they are truly fearfully and wonderfully made.
 In closing, my challenge is this; do not return to your normal everyday routine of life. Change it up, take what was invested in you, go out, and make an impact on those around you. The people who see you everyday need to have someone investing in them as well; maybe, that someone is you?
Who knows you too may find new dreams and desires as well!! 

Impossible Prayers to God of the Impossible

This summer, prayer has been a big thing for me. I have always struggled in my prayer life, and I am growing and being challenged so much at camp. This post is a bit of a repeat from last week, so bear with me.
This past week we were challenged to make a list of impossible prayers and to be praying them consistently, just asking God to do His will and answer them in His timing however He see fit.
Too many times we put God in a box and tiptoe around Him,

phrasing our prayers a certain way. Asking for things, but not expecting them to be answered or to be answered our way. We need to walk away from this selfish prayer life we have and just begin praying to our Heavenly Father. Fully give our hearts to Him, asking His will for our lives, asking Him to send us where He wants us, and we need to do it with open hearts and eyes or we will keep missing the great things He does in our lives.

We need to be confident in our Heavenly Father, He is fully capable in answering prayers. We just need to keep in mind that it is “His will be done” not ours when we ask our prayers. We need to be open to the possibility that His plan is not our plan, but I can guarantee His will be much better than ours in the end. He loves us so much and wants the best for us, if we could only remember that instead of throwing a fit when our prayers are not answered in our timing or the way we wanted it to be.

More times then I can count I have prayed in a way that didn’t show I believed God could answer my prayers, and that is wrong. Wrong as in our God is the God of impossible things, our God is the Creator of the universe, and He has the power to answer my prayers. I know it may not be how or when I expected it, but it is still answered. Sometimes we pray for things that may not be answered for years, and yet we should still pray for those impossible things everyday. God loves when we bring our lives before Him, He wants to love us and be apart of our lives. 

I want to encourage you to make a list of impossible prayers, begin praying to our God of impossible things and see how He works in your life!!